Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Adapting Libraries to "life in digits"
Oleksii Onyshchenko
Digitization has encompassed all the spheres of society, defining the direction and content of scientific and technological progress and social transformation increasingly. It therefore focusing on "life in digits" is rightly considered a strategically important choice. Digitization in library activities brings to the fore next four challenges: rebuilding the structure of libraries to interact with the digital environment; formation of digital multiview resource; organization of the system of digital integrated service; the transformation of the profession of librarian into a research and information worker. The structural transformation of libraries should take into account that the main body of information, which will be in active circulation, will be electronic resources. It provides the maximum development of the services and personal competencies of the employees who ensure the digital life of the library. Full computerization of traditional library activities, complete digitization of traditional foundations, systematic accumulation of electronic databases, expansion of analytical, consulting, expert, and digital literacy education are required. A reader of the library is more and more becoming a distant user. Accordingly, libraries are launching a course on remote personal information services. However, the digital age library should not be electronic only. It has to combine all types of information resources on all types of media. Complefeness, wide access to Internet resources and advanced integrated distance service are the three basic factors that strengthen the library's viability in the age of global digitization.
digitalization of libraries, electronic resources, digital information, national linguistic corps, digital integrated service, remote reader service, information analytics of libraries.
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
The Digitalization of the Library Fund of the National Agricultural Scientific Library of the NAAS of Ukraine - the Priority Area of its Storage and Representation
Viktor Verhunov
The article emphasizes the importance of introducing digital technologies into the practical work of national libraries. The author has identified the key legal, organizational and technical issues related to the organization of digitization of library holdings. The case study of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine shows the undeniable role of digitization processes in improving the efficiency of information and library and scientific support of agricultural production. With the development of the Internet and digital technologies, libraries forced to move beyond «statutory activity», transforming them selves into an open endless information world that creates greater opportunities for libraries to provide information to users. The National Agricultural Scientific Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine as a leading special library of national importance, the national sectoral depository of agricultural and forestry literature and the agricultural research and methodological center pursues to develop its activities according to the demands of the present. The institution creates its own electronic resource «UkrAgroteka» in order to ensure transparency of the fund and prompt access to it. The digitization is priority of the library. The researcher noted that the process of digitization of documents is preceded by timely expert evaluation of the status of rare and valuable publications, accounting of publications, the presence of a movement checklist of each original, etc. In digitalization the library’s important is adherence to the Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights», international standards and formats for the purpose of future integration of these resources into the global information space and to ensure their safety and availability. The introduction of digital communications proves that as the library evolves, transforms and adapts to new conditions, the library remains a universal cultural and information phenomenon and occupies a prominent place in the development of society. The key to success in the work of the library is putting into practice, along with traditional, innovative forms of work. The introduction of digital technologies contributes to the creation of new industry products, values and, accordingly, become the basis of competitive advantage in most markets.
electronic resources, National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, digital information technologies, digitalization, rare publications, electronic scientific library, scans, insurance copies.
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Library Services of E-Government: Ukrainian Experience
Aliona Plakhtii
The article is devoted to revealing the importance of the activity of national libraries in the system of providing electronic public services to individuals and legal entities in the conditions of e-government formation. The main theoretical and organizational-functional issues of the introduction of e-government through the lens of public libraries are covered. It is considered how the use of the modern information potential of libraries contributes to the development and popularization of e-government infrastructure.
e-government technologies, public online services, libraries, e-government access points, citizen service centers, citizens’ access points network, center of legal information.
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Bibliographic Manuals from the History of the Unity of Ukrainian: the Problems of Conclude
Oleksandr Dudnik
In Article illuminated the history of the publication of bibliographic manuals dedicated to the idea of Unity of Ukrainian lands and the celebration of the Day of Unity of Ukraine. The internal and external factors that promoted to the preparation of bibliographical manuals on this topic in independent Ukraine have been revealed. Considering the process of decommunization and creation of the unityfic of Ukrainian bibliography the structure and problems of the content of the bibliographical manuals on this topic are analyzed. Among the rare and valuable materials presented in the bibliographic manuals are descriptions of documents on the preparation and implementation of the agreement on the unification of the UNR and ZUNR on January 21, 1919, poems of Ukrainian poets - O. Olesya and E. Malaniuk, that most reflecting the idea of the Unity Ukrainian people. Some bibliographic manuals have descriptions of works in the titles of which says nothing about the idea of the Unity of Ukrainian lands in the composition of one united independent Ukrainian state. The contents of some of the materials in the bibliographic manuals do not have information about the idea of the Unity of Ukrain at all, or about it are mentioned in one or two sentences, in particular in the anti-Ukrainian context. An example of the latter is the titles of the works of Soviet researchers, which are presented in contemporary bibliographic works. The analysis of the bibliographic manuals indicates the need to improve the work of bibliographers, in particular, to deepen their knowledge of the history of Ukraine, currently legislation concerning library and bibliographic activity, or to involve in the preparation of bibliographical manuals and lists of specialists from the history and law.
The Unity of Ukraine, Act of the Unity of UNR and ZUNR, decommunization, the unity of Ukrainian's bibliography, bibliographic manuals.
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Ukrainian Library Professional Periodicals in the Digital Scientific Communications
Nataliia Samokhina
Liliia Kudymenko
Oleksandr Martyniuk
The article analyzes the state of inclusion of scientific journals of NASU in the international scientometric space. The evaluation criteria of the level of scientific periodicals by quantitative indicators are considered, in particular, one of the popular scientometric indices of influence of a scientific publication - impact factor (IF) is considered. It is stated that all scientific periodicals, presented in the information resource "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU), are correctly indexed by the Google Scholar search engine with the possibility to create a scientometric portrait of scientific journals. VNLU has developed a system of "Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science", which displays ratings based on Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science, and an electronic library "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine", which introduces a basic index of periodicals integration into the scientific communications system for appropriate assessment of scientific professional edition. Blighty scientific professional librarian periodicals now have sites that meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science, are presented in international in formation-analytical and search systems and receive a digital DOI for articles and lists cited literature. The article highlights the integration of VNLU library professional periodicals into the international information-analytical and search systems, the assignment of the international digital identifier DOI to the scientific publications of the VNLU.
scientific periodical category, impact factor (IF), scientometric indicators, international databases, international digital DOI.