Zadanie #2675

Zadanie #2664: Zbiorcze podsumowanie zadań po audycie WCAG

Zgrupowanie kontrolek filtrowania w fieldset

Added by Tomasz Blazejczyk over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Status:ZamkniętyStart date:2021-09-28
Priority:NormalnyDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-
Developer:Marcin Suda Rewizja rozwiązania:
Tester:Tomasz Lewandowski Rewizja testów:


Na stronie

Brak programistycznego powiązania etykiet:
- tytuł
- pełne teksty
- wydawca
Brak zdefiniowanego fieldseta z legendą opisujący charakter dla w/w pól.
<span class="filter-label">
<input title="Wpisz całe wyrażenie lub fragment zakończony * dla
lepszych rezultatów, np. mechani*" id="EQUALS_names" name="EQUALS_names" type="text"
value="" maxlength="60" onkeypress="return onEnterDoRegularFilter(event,this.form);">

Before.jpg - before adding fieldset in question (103 KB) Tomasz Lewandowski, 2021-10-07 07:49

After.jpg - after adding fieldset in question (94.8 KB) Tomasz Lewandowski, 2021-10-07 07:49


#1 Updated by Tomasz Blazejczyk over 3 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Tomasz Blazejczyk to Marcin Suda
  • Developer Marcin Suda added

#2 Updated by Marcin Suda over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Nowy to Testowanie
  • Assignee changed from Marcin Suda to Tomasz Lewandowski

Had some trouble getting the labels to work, it'd be appreciated to check if everything's correct from the programming perspective

#3 Updated by Tomasz Lewandowski over 3 years ago

  • File After.jpg added
  • File Before.jpg added
  • Status changed from Testowanie to W toku
  • Assignee changed from Tomasz Lewandowski to Marcin Suda
  • % Done changed from 0 to 80

Fieldset was added grouping together three spans cointaining filters with <labels> respectively: Tytuł, Pełne teksty and Wydawca.
Fieldset has a <legend> element containing descriptive text "Filtry:". The text matches the logic of the site and groups filters in accord with their functionality.

"Before.jpg" and "After.jpg" added for clarity.

Applied changes in my opinion fulfill recommendation received from external wcag auditors.

Two things are still left for consideration though:

1.) Alphabetical filters right below the fieldset also seem to fall under description of "Filters". Maybe we should include them into the fieldset as well?
1.1.) If they should not be included into fieldset because they're from technical point of view rather links than fields, maybe we should define their own container labeled "Alphabetical Filters" or suchlike.
2.) Alphabetical filters have decription "Wyświetl tylko zawierające: [letter sequence]". This should be changed to "Wyświetl tylko rozpoczynające się na: [letter sequence]", as the former better fits what they actually do.

#4 Updated by Marcin Suda over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from W toku to Testowanie
  • Assignee changed from Marcin Suda to Tomasz Lewandowski

I've changed the <fieldset> to include the alphabetical filters - after some thought, I found no reason to exclude them. The link titles were changed.

#5 Updated by Tomasz Lewandowski over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Testowanie to Rozwiązany
  • Assignee deleted (Tomasz Lewandowski)
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

everything fine

#6 Updated by Tomasz Lewandowski over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Rozwiązany to Zamknięty

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