Zadanie #2150
Wsparcie #2143: DeskLight - czasopisma ukraińskie
Możliwości techniczne udostępniania zasobów ukraińskich w CEJSH
Status: | Nowy | Start date: | 2019-11-18 | |
Priority: | Normalny | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Adam Wasążnik | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - | |||
Developer: | Tester: |
Możliwości techniczne udostępniania zasobów ukraińskich w CEJSH
To ma być w formie emaila
#1 Updated by Roman Bogacewicz over 5 years ago
- Assignee set to Roman Bogacewicz
- Parent task set to #2143
#2 Updated by Roman Bogacewicz almost 5 years ago
Wysłałem emaila:
Dear Liliia,
we have some propositions:
1. You could make your own packages in bwmeta format. In next step we
would get them and import to our system.
2. There is a web tool we have for another journals base but we would
try to do it useful for your data.
3. You could send us xml files in specific format and in the next step
we would convert it to bwmeta format and next fulfill with full texts.
4. We could import data from platform chosen by you - we can in easy way
accept: OJS, dlibra, dSpace. OJS is the best for us.
Let me know what do you think about this possibilities.
#3 Updated by Roman Bogacewicz over 4 years ago
- File bv_2020_01_DOAJ added
Odpowiedź z 2020-05-05
I have the answer from our IT-Department regarding your propositions.
We can provide you with xmls which we prepare for DOAJ or Crossref.
WorldCat, Base and OpenAire transfer metadata from these DB.
It should be easy for you to accept them as well.
You can check the attached examples. Please let me know whether it is suitable for you.
Do tego załączniki
#4 Updated by Roman Bogacewicz over 4 years ago
- Assignee changed from Roman Bogacewicz to Adam Wasążnik